Crowdedbrain.co.uk is an independent Reviews, News and Features website specialising in Technology and Game related content. Our primary goal is to be one of the best Tech sites outside London. Being independent means we have the freedom to fully test products, promote them and still offer low-rates for advertising. Thus we provide the same quality service, but with fewer overheads.
The website is also responsive to fit desktop, mobile, tablet, console and SmartTV platforms……
The website can provide traditional CPM based banner advertisement or fixed rate sponsored post articles. Our banner system is fully automated so it can monitor the number of impressions of each Ad and track the total number of clicks. We can tailor the CPM price to suit the needs of our customers.
Leaderboard/Standard Banner Ad example: (728 x 90px & 468 x 60px) - Positioned at the top or base of the site.
MPU Ads: £75 (MPUs (300x250px) – Positioned at the top or right sections of the site.
Skyscraper Ads: (120 x 600px or 160 x 600px) - Positioned at the bottom/right of the site.
Sponsored Posts: Sponsored posts are a great way to advertise your product(s) as the article(s) remain on the website for the duration. The sponsored posts work in two ways. Firstly the client can supply the article and then we will create a supporting image and perform any editing. The cost also includes the hosting of the article on our website. Plus the article(s) will be promoted on our social network sites and RSS feed (which is also linked to popular news apps from News Republic).
Alternatively Brett James (Editor) can write the article for your company (including creating a suitable image).
Examples: http://www.crowdedbrain.co.uk/features/broken-iphone-screen-try-imend-for-a-quality-fix.html
Use of Award Logo: If a product we review earns either a recommended or Editors’ choice award you can pay for the use of the award logo(s) on your marketing material. There is a one off cost per award/product.
If you would like to enquire about advertising please contact the Editor Brett James via Email: contact@crowdedbrain.co.uk and he will send over a full media pack.